sweetywafalicius » sweetywafalicius - the blog of tatawa Log in

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sweetywafalicius : sweetywafalicius
yupyup k tt l mnd fass un chemin kar ladies wafa la star de karda fé sn apparition é vou fé dkouvrir sn merveiyeu univers!!!!!!!!!wouah!!

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General information


Creation: 22/07/2008 16:56
Update: 22/07/2008 17:00
Articles 1
Images 1
Visits of the week 947
Total visits 292

sweetywafalicius :: sweetywafalicius

tatawa has no other blog!

United States - tatawa
Position: 8827/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: big thanks - 22/07/2008 17:00

big thanks

gspr k vou vou éte bien amuzé mé ami si cela ne vou suffi allé fér un pti tour  in my another blog

